Ira Automotive Group is committed to giving back and helping communities where our customers and employees live and work. Over the years we have proudly donated millions of dollars to local nonprofit organizations, with a majority of our giving to charities that advocate for children and families in need, diversity, equality and inclusion, veterans and first responders. Our love of people and community is our most powerful fuel!

Support Requests

Is your organization serving the Ira community and looking for a support partner?

Submit a Support Request
Golf Tournaments

If your organization is looking for Ira Motor Group to provide a Hole in One vehicle please fill out request form below.

Golf Tournament Request
Organizations Making a Difference in Our Community
What’s the Difference Between a Charitable Donation and a Sponsorship?

A donation request made by a non-profit organization or private foundation with a 501 (C) (3) that falls in line with our mission statement is classified as a charitable donation. A sponsorship is asking Ira Automotive Group for funds to go towards an activity or event in return for the right to advertise during the activity or event. For example: concerts, sports events, town days, etc.

If you would like to request charity support from Ira Automotive Group or any of its dealerships or if you are interested in learning more about IraCares please contact:

Submit a Support Request